Hello again from CarolinaConsidered. Apologies for the lack of posts the past couple of months. And thanks for all the e-mail inquiries.
No, I haven’t passed from the scene. Just been over-involved in another writing project. Which I’ve pursued at the expense of CarolinaConsidered. Poor time management and planning!
Don’t laugh now. This new project is a novel. My first venture into book-length fiction writing. After all these years! The first Very rough draft is done, and I’ve begun the first of what likely will be two complete rewrites. The novel is set in present-day South Carolina, somewhere between Charleston and the I-95 corridor. Sort of an RV travel mystery. When it’s done I plan to publish it as an e-book on Amazon. Will let you know.
Monday morning we decided to visit Caesars Head and Table Rock State Parks for a look at the mountain scenery. It was a little early for full autumn color, but still beautiful.
Here’s a short video of the impressive Visitors Center. Nice place to stop.
Fog was heavy on the mountains when we arrived. A beautiful sight in itself. Then suddenly the fog cleared and bright sunshine flooded the whole scene. Have a look here:
After a couple of hours at Caesars Head we drove to Table Rock State Park. More on that visit in another post.